
Goodbye, Tadpole

剛收到通知, 小蝌蚪已經被人帶走了. 可惜把他帶走的人也是位惜字如金的人, 並沒有留下什麼訊息和照片. 這也是我比較不喜歡的一點, 難道拍張照片或是多寫幾行文字敘述一下找到寶藏的經過有這麼困難嗎?

2 則留言:

  1. 哈哈...這麼快喔...

  2. 其實難度並沒有特別低啦, 玩 geocaching 的人都是很厲害的, 像隻獵狗一樣可以嗅出寶藏在哪裡 ^^

    Wow. Good job on this one, hkw0704! A very interesting spot to hide a cache. The fact that you gave no hints or directions made it fun to find. Of course I got lost a few times. I would like to know where all the other trails go as well. Too bad shinn didn't leave one of the travel bugs he's holding on to. im heading to Thailand in a few weeks and would be happy to get one moving out of Taiwan. Happy Birthday too!
    看他的留言, 他應該也並不覺得特簡單吧 :p


歡迎留下您寶貴的意見, 但廣告以及無意義的夢囈會被砍哦~