14:30 補述:台灣從 2001/12/15 到現在為止, 扣掉一些已經失蹤及 5 個 Virtual Caches 後還剩 40 個 Caches, 剛花了點時間將這 40 個記錄一個一個翻出來看, 已經確定了這枚 Geocoin 是出現在台灣的第一枚, 也是目前為止唯一的一枚.
AWLMore 的原信如下:
寄件者:[email protected]
日期:2005年8月22日 上午 01:56:30
收件者:[email protected]
--This message was sent through http://www.geocaching.com --
Thanks for finding my geocoin! It is completely up to you to decide what to do
with the coin. I really just wanted to get it to Taiwan. You can move it to
another cache or keep it.
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This email was sent without a return email address. You will need to respond to this email through the Geocaching.com Web site. Visit http://www.geocaching.com and log in to respond to the message from your "my cache page".
Forward abuse complaints to: [email protected]
2 則回應:
你ㄉ勤快是有代價ㄉ! 這枚錢幣看起來很美ㄋ..
歡迎留下您寶貴的意見, 但廣告以及無意義的夢囈會被砍哦~